Reading list
Steiner Waldorf Education
- ‘Free To Learn’ By Lynne Oldfield
- ‘Understanding The Steiner Waldorf Approach’ By Janni Nicol and Jill Taplin
- ‘Ready To Learn’ By Martyn Rewson and Michael Rose
- ‘Waldorf Education’ By Christopher Clouder and Martyn Rewson
- ‘The Education Of The Child’ By Rudolf Steiner
Early Childhood
- ‘You Are Your Childs First Teacher’ By Rahma Baldwin
- ‘Work And Play In Early Childhood’ By Freya Jafke
- ‘Phases Of Childhood’ By Bernard Lievegood
- ‘The Childs Changing Consciousness’ By Rudolf Steiner
- ‘The Genius Of Play’ By Sally Jenkinson
- ‘A Guide To Child Health’ By Michaela Gloeckler
Festivals and Activities
- ‘Festivals, Family and Food’ By D.Carey and J.Large
- ‘All Year Round’ By A.Drujtt, C.Fynes/Clinton, M.Rowling
- ‘Toy Making With Children’ By Freya Jafke
- ‘Story Telling With Children’ By N.Mellon
Useful Links
- Cambridge University on school starting age
- Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship
- The Early Years in Steiner Waldorf Education
- Alliance for Childhood
- More information regarding the Early Years curriculum including exemptions and modifications
- Older children in the Steiner Waldorf setting: The Embedded Curriculum
- Framework for children 5-7 years
- Read the statutory EYFS and information about the exemption statement
- More information about the EYFS